War in Ukraine – Another Year In

On February 24, 2022, Russian military forces launched a blitz invasion into Ukraine with the intent of quickly capturing Ukraine’s capital city Kiev and effecting a regime change. The blitz fell short of the mark and today, exactly one year later, we are in the midst of a protracted “war of attrition” between the NATO states on the one hand and Russia on the other, being fought on Ukrainian soil by Ukrainian soldiers trained and armed by the NATO axis.

Much noise is being made in the mainstream U.S. press about Russia recently conscripting civilians into its armed forces to fight in Ukraine. Noting the high interest in Russia’s use of hastily trained conscript soldiers, it seems incongruous that I have not seen any commentary about NATO’s conscript forces.

Who are NATO’s conscipts? Well, simply the entire Ukrainian military, led by its commander-in-chief Volodymyr Zolenskyi. Indeed, this most recent year of war is essentially about NATO jockeying Ukraine into falling on a live grenade that NATO itself has been carelessly fumbling around with for years.

Even worse, according to former U.S. Senator Bill Bradley (speaking in 2008, just 3 months before NATO promised membership to Ukraine and Georgia), NATO has created the very monster it is now sending Ukrainian soldiers to die in battle against.

Americans, we need to stop treating this war like a Hollywood production and start taking real responsibility for making peace with Russia.

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