Category: OpEd

  • When Time Stands Still

    I recently listened to this very dramatic story about the Ukrainian EuroMaidan Uprising and the Revolution of Dignity, which took place in Kyiv between November 2013 and February 2014.  The narrator dramatically describes how time seemed to stand still as a series of events prompted many frustrated Ukrainian students to set up a semi-permanent protest…

  • War in Ukraine – Another Year In

    On February 24, 2022, Russian military forces launched a blitz invasion into Ukraine with the intent of quickly capturing Ukraine’s capital city Kiev and effecting a regime change. The blitz fell short of the mark and today, exactly one year later, we are in the midst of a protracted “war of attrition” between the NATO…

  • Democracy is Work

    In this episode from The Late Show with Steven Colbert, Julia Ioffe trenchantly reminds us that democracy is work. What does she mean by that? Doesn’t she understand that democracy is guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the United States? Our Constitution is a clever set of rules for managing a democratic nation which…

  • Tulsi Gabbard: It’s MAD-ness!

    Dear Tulsi, thank you very much for interviewing professor Jeffrey Sachs on your show recently.  You cut right to the chase by stating that nuclear Armageddon is the most important issue for Americans today.  The existential threat of nuclear war is especially palpable now because of recent events in the ongoing war in Ukraine. Professor…

  • American Dream

    Yesterday I travelled from Poland to a small city in western Ukrainian called Khmelnytskyi. I plan to stay here until the end of October, focusing on learning more about Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. I may find a tutor to help me practice speaking Ukrainian, and I will probably also spend time volunteering at some…
