Category: Nursing Home

  • Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Coming?

    I was pretty busy helping out at the nursing home today. We are short-staffed because the director Gennadiy is away for the weekend and two of the regular staff are sick. So today nurse Evhenia and I did all of the “downstairs” work together. “Downstairs work” means everything except food preparation. Downstairs work includes sanitation…

  • He Walks!

    This morning after breakfast at the nursing home for elderly and disabled folks, I was helping Svetlana, one of the nurses, with washing up and hygiene for some of the bed-ridden men. We were helping the men with showering and shaving. I was busy shaving one of the guys when I heard behind me an…

  • Chasiv Yar Diary Dec. 29, 2022

     This week, the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, I am volunteering at the Chasiv Yar nursing home, which is temporarily relocated to the village of Cokilets in Khmelnytskyi oblast, Ukraine.  The August Mission team was making a pre-Christmas delivery on Friday, December 23 so I helped them load their truck, and they gave…

  • Elderly in Exile

    Elderly in Exile

    Today I helped August Mission‘s team in Khmelnytskyi deliver humanitarian aid materials to a nursing home located in the hinterlands of Khmelnytskyi Oblast.  To reach the nursing home, we drove about 90 minutes on smooth highway and then exited onto a small country road. We drove another 30 minutes at low speed on very rough…
