Category: Poland 2022

  • Game Plan Przemyśl

    In our training workshop yesterday, we spent time in break-out groups discussing possible activities we could organize to engage the refugee kids. The Ocalenie trainers asked each breakout group to prepare a simple plan for a hypothetical day at the “safe space for children” in Przemyśl. The plan was to include four phases: an opening…

  • Russians and Bogeymen

    During our training workshop yesterday, our Ocelanie trainers spent quite a bit of time at the beginning of the day talking with us about young children’s common reactions to crisis situations. They pointed out that children generally have a much narrower perspective than adults, so “little things” that a more mature person can easily see…

  • Rescue Foundation Training

    Today I attended the volunteer training seminar organized by Fundacjn Ocalenie (the “Rescue Foundation”). The seminar provided a thorough overview of the basic issues we will need to understand in order to work at the safe space for children (“CFS”) which the Rescue Foundation is operating at the reception center for Ukrainian war refugees in…

  • I Arrive Warsaw, Poland

    At last, the day I had been waiting for arrived: Late in the evening of August 25, 2022, I boarded LOT Polish Airlines Flight 16 from Newark International Airport, bound for Warsaw. After an 8-hour red-eye, we arrived at Warsaw Chopin International Airport at 2:30 p.m. local time, August 26, 2022.On the ground in Poland…
