Category: Uncategorized

  • Wait for Rich’s Return

    Hello, RAYA friends.On July 6, 2023, Rich was riding a bus to town. His bus got in an accident and he was severely injured with traumatic brain injury. After 6 weeks being taken care of by doctors in Ukraine and Poland, Rich was flown back to the United States. He is now recovering at home.…

  • Oleksandra’s Story

    This is the third in a series of brief profiles of some of the internally displaced people (“IDP”s) who have sheltered at the assisted living home where I am volunteering as a nursing aid. Every morning beginning in early spring, Oleksandra Ivanovna goes out to pick a small bouquet of fresh flowers for the dormitory…

  • Redux II

    As I described in my post “Dressing Room Redux,” we were hoping to upgrade washing, bathing, laundry and general sanitation facilities at the nursing home for elderly and disabled IDPs (internally displaced people) where I am volunteering here in Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine. Thanks to generous cash donations from a few friends and family, we have already…

  • Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 6

    Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 6

    Today Gennadiy brought in the doctor again. The doctor spent a couple of hours examining the residents again, and identified three men and three women who appear to have pneumonia or similar serious conditions. He prescribed antibiotic injections for each of them, in addition to tablets. Most of the other residents are also taking antibiotic…

  • Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 3

    Well, good news is Grandma Nina did enjoy eating the thickened apple juice this morning. In addition to thickening her fluids to a gelatinous consistency, we also moved her to an inclining bed, which makes it easier for her to eat. She was in a flat bed before, so she had to sit straight up…

  • Disproportionate Effects

    Chatting with one of my fellow volunteers one morning about seasonal change in the weather we are experiencing here in Poland, we soon found ourselves engaged in a more fraught discussion about climate change. I commented that climate change on our planet has always been and still is a natural and normal phenomenon, and ultimately…
