Tag: Ukraine

  • Love & Hope

    Love & Hope

    I recently volunteered to help the August Mission team deliver humanitarian aid materials to a Roman Catholic church in a smaller town called Starokostyantyniv, located about 50 kilometers north of Khmelnytskyi on the main highway towards Kyiv. The trip today was actually my third visit to Starokostyantyniv since I arrived in Khmelnytskyi a month ago.…

  • Chasiv Yar Diary – Nov. 11, 2022

    Chasiv Yar Diary – Nov. 11, 2022

     A couple of weeks ago I wrote this blog post about the Chasiv Yar assisted living home for the elderly relocated to a mothballed school building in a remote rural village outside Khmelnytskyi.  After I wrote it, I asked the director of the home, Gennadiy,  if he would take a look at it and give…

  • Elderly in Exile

    Elderly in Exile

    Today I helped August Mission‘s team in Khmelnytskyi deliver humanitarian aid materials to a nursing home located in the hinterlands of Khmelnytskyi Oblast.  To reach the nursing home, we drove about 90 minutes on smooth highway and then exited onto a small country road. We drove another 30 minutes at low speed on very rough…

  • Khmelnytskyi IDPs

    Today I helped the August Mission team deliver a load of humanitarian aid goods to the Khmelnytskyi regional IDP humanitarian aid center.  IDP stands for  “internally displaced person.” IDPs are people who have been driven from their homes because of some disaster or hardship, but remain within their home country. This is slightly different from…

  • Tulsi Gabbard: It’s MAD-ness!

    Dear Tulsi, thank you very much for interviewing professor Jeffrey Sachs on your show recently.  You cut right to the chase by stating that nuclear Armageddon is the most important issue for Americans today.  The existential threat of nuclear war is especially palpable now because of recent events in the ongoing war in Ukraine. Professor…

  • Save the Children

    Tomorrow will be my last day of volunteering at the Ocalenie Foundation safe space for children in the Ukrainian Refugee Humanitarian Aid Center in Przemyśl, Poland, at least for the rest of October. The Polish Red Cross had initially announced that it intended to close the Aid Center at the end of October, so Ocalenie…
