Tag: nursing home

  • Nursing Home Yoga

    It’s my longstanding habit to spend 20 or 30 minutes every morning right after I get out of bed doing some simple yoga stretching exercises.  Since volunteering here at the nursing home, I’ve been doing this routine most mornings downstairs in the main entry hall.  It’s the most wide open space in the building and…

  • Spoon Feedin’

    Spoon Feedin’

    I’m becoming a skilled artisan, and my craft is spoon-feeding people who can’t feed themselves.  I have dabbled at spoon-feeding various people at various times over the years, but I’ve taken it to an entirely new level here at the nursing home, spoon feeding one of the residents three meals a day, day in and…

  • Nursing Home Diary – “Victory Over Flu Day”

    Gennadiy declared “Victory Over Influenza Day” at the nursing home this afternoon, and brought in cake and soda to celebrate. Indeed, it does feel like everything is almost back to normal now, here at the nursing home. Residents are still taking antibiotic tablets, but nobody appears to be suffering from uncomfortable symptoms anymore. All of…

  • Nursing Home Diary – Feb. 18, 2023

    Nursing Home Diary – Feb. 18, 2023

    Today the power went out during breakfast and remained out for most of the rest of the day. I didn’t really pay too much attention, because the weather was warm and sunny and the internet service was still working. But then at dinner time I wanted to use the food processor to blend some borscht…

  • Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 7

    Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 7

    Today seems to be a very calm, normal day at the nursing home. Except for the antibiotic treatments that nurse Yevhenia is administering throughout the day, there is no evidence of a health crisis. Here’s hoping that this flu season winds down quietly over the next few days.The new hire, Ailiona, appeared as hoped this…

  • Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 6

    Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 6

    Today Gennadiy brought in the doctor again. The doctor spent a couple of hours examining the residents again, and identified three men and three women who appear to have pneumonia or similar serious conditions. He prescribed antibiotic injections for each of them, in addition to tablets. Most of the other residents are also taking antibiotic…

  • Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 5

    So the good news is, the residents’ conditions all seem to have stabilized or improved since yesterday. Gennadiy is distributing the antibiotics the doctor prescribed 3 times per day – maybe that’s an important factor.So the biggest challenge today was simply that we were short-staffed again today because Ludmila, the woman whose job is to…

  • Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 4

    Today has been much better than I expected – and certainly better than yesterday. The residents’ conditions seem to have stabilized, and some even seem to be improving. For example, Evon, the man who lost his wife yesterday, is getting out of bed and walking by himself into the residential activity hall for meals again.…

  • Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 3

    Well, good news is Grandma Nina did enjoy eating the thickened apple juice this morning. In addition to thickening her fluids to a gelatinous consistency, we also moved her to an inclining bed, which makes it easier for her to eat. She was in a flat bed before, so she had to sit straight up…

  • Nursing Home Diary – Flu Season Day 2

    It was pretty tough at the nursing home again today. Several of the residents are already running fevers. Three residents also had slip-and-fall accidents today. Luckily, nobody was seriously injured. But falls haven’t been a common occurrence since I’ve been here, so to have three in one day is quite alarming. I guess maybe it’s…
